»Continu« ©Sebastian Bolesch
»SYM-PHONIE MMXX« ©Bernd Uhlig
»In C« ©Sebastian Bolesch
»gefaltet« ©Bernd Uhlig
Edivaldo Ernesto

Edivaldo Ernesto

Edivaldo Edivaldo Ernesto was born in Maputo, Mozambique, and is a dancer, choreographer, teacher and expert in improvisation. After traditional African as well as contemporary dance education in Mozambique, his work took him to Europe. In 2007 he moved to Berlin. Since then Edivaldo Ernesto has been working closely with Sasha Waltz & Guests in numerous productions as a permanent member as well as a guest of the company. He shares an intensive working relationship of many years with the Venezuelan dancer-choreographer and teacher of the »Flying low« technique David Zambrano. Since 2011, Edivaldo Ernesto has also been developing his own workshops and dance techniques. He teaches his workshops »Depth Movement« and »Next Level« at schools and festivals worldwide. In 2015, his first choreographic solo »Tears« was premiered, with which he toured Europe, Asia and South America. His second production »Brace« premiered at the Kalamata festival in 2022 and toured throughout Europe. He has been developing his own pieces as well as projects with Oscar-winning, innovative pianist and instrumentalist Volker Bertelmann aka »Hauschka«, the choreographer Linda Kapetanea and the trumpeter Marco Blaauw, as well as with Musikfabrik at the Festival MaerzMusik initiated by Berliner Festspiele. His project »I Can’t Breathe« was awarded »Best Performer« by the jury of the 2020 Italian Danza & Danza Awards among others.

Sasha Waltz
Jochen Sandig
Stefan Kaegi
Sebastian Abarbanell
Liza Alpízar Aguilar
Ayaka Azechi
Blenard Azizaj
Jíři Bartovanec
Anne Brinon
Gabriel Galindez Cruz
Alessandra Defazio
Maria Marta Colusi
Clémentine Deluy
Edivaldo Ernesto
Melissa Figueiredo
Yuya Fujinami
Tian Gao
Eva Georgitsopoulou
Joel Suárez Gómez
Peggy Grelat-Dupont
Hwanhee Hwang
Agnieszka Jachym
Lorena Justribó Manion
Melissa Kieffer
Kelvin Kilonzo
Annapaola Leso
Jaan Männima
Margaux Marielle-Tréhoüart
Nicola Mascia
Dominique McDougal
Thusnelda Mercy
Michal Mualem
Sean Nederlof
Virgis Puodziunas
Sasa Queliz
Zaratiana Randrianantenaina
Aladino Rivera Blanca
Orlando Rodriguez
Yael Schnell
Corey Scott-Gilbert
Claudia de Serpa Soares
Xuan Shi
Wibke Storkan
Ichiro Sugae
Stylianos Tsatsos
Leonardo García Alarcón
David Robert Coleman
Florian Feth
Maayan Franco
Charlotte Hellekant
Cécile Kempenaers
Tobias Koch
Hans Peter Kuhn
Luciana Mancini
Leandro Marziotte
Julián Millán
Georg Nigl
Diego Noguera
Alex Rosen
Julie Roset
Fabio Trümpy
Ilan Volkov
Hans Wijers
Konstantin Wolff
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
Freiburger BarockConsort
Soundwalk Collective
Vocalconsort Berlin
Dominic Huber
Sasha Waltz
Thomas Schenk
Pia Maier Schriever
Heike Schuppelius
Alexander Schwarz
Chiharu Shiota
Barbara Steppe
Annette Bätz
Christine Birkle
Iris van Herpen
Jasmin Lepore
Federico Polucci
Bernd Skodzig
Jörg Bittner
Olaf Danilsen
David Finn
Valentin Gallé
Martin Hauk
André Pronk
Thilo Reuther
Urs Schönebaum
Yi Zhao
Elliot Caplan
Mikko Gaestel
Tapio Snellman
Silke Bake
Jochen Sandig
Steffen Döring
Christopher Drum
Agnes Scherer
Davide Di Pretoro
Sergiu Matis
Michal Mualem
Yael Schnell
Claudia de Serpa Soares
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
Soundwalk Collective
Vocalconsort Berlin
Agnes Scherer
Agnieszka Jachym
Aladino Rivera Blanca
Alessandra Defazio
Alex Rosen
Alexander Schwarz
André Pronk
Annapaola Leso
Anne Brinon
Annette Bätz
Ayaka Azechi
Barbara Steppe
Bernd Skodzig
Blenard Azizaj
Charlotte Hellekant
Chiharu Shiota
Christine Birkle
Christopher Drum
Claudia de Serpa Soares
Clémentine Deluy
Corey Scott-Gilbert
Cécile Kempenaers
David Finn
David Robert Coleman
Davide Di Pretoro
Diego Noguera
Dominic Huber
Dominique McDougal
Edivaldo Ernesto
Elliot Caplan
Eva Georgitsopoulou
Fabio Trümpy
Federico Polucci
Florian Feth
Freiburger BarockConsort
Gabriel Galindez Cruz
Georg Nigl
Hans Peter Kuhn
Hans Wijers
Heike Schuppelius
Hwanhee Hwang
Ichiro Sugae
Ilan Volkov
Iris van Herpen
Jaan Männima
Jasmin Lepore
Jochen Sandig
Joel Suárez Gómez
Julie Roset
Julián Millán
Jíři Bartovanec
Jörg Bittner
Kelvin Kilonzo
Konstantin Wolff
Leandro Marziotte
Leonardo García Alarcón
Liza Alpízar Aguilar
Lorena Justribó Manion
Luciana Mancini
Maayan Franco
Margaux Marielle-Tréhoüart
Maria Marta Colusi
Martin Hauk
Melissa Figueiredo
Melissa Kieffer
Michal Mualem
Mikko Gaestel
Nicola Mascia
Olaf Danilsen
Orlando Rodriguez
Peggy Grelat-Dupont
Pia Maier Schriever
Sasa Queliz
Sasha Waltz
Sean Nederlof
Sebastian Abarbanell
Sergiu Matis
Silke Bake
Stefan Kaegi
Steffen Döring
Stylianos Tsatsos
Tapio Snellman
Thilo Reuther
Thomas Schenk
Thusnelda Mercy
Tian Gao
Tobias Koch
Urs Schönebaum
Valentin Gallé
Virgis Puodziunas
Wibke Storkan
Xuan Shi
Yael Schnell
Yi Zhao
Yuya Fujinami
Zaratiana Randrianantenaina
Direction, Choreography
Set Design
Lighting Design
Sasha Waltz
Jochen Sandig
Stefan Kaegi