»In C« von Sasha Waltz & Guests

Musik von Terry Riley

Trailer »Travelogue I – Twenty to eight«

With humour, aggression and sensuality, Sasha Waltz paints a contemporary genre picture in »Travelogue I – Twenty to eight« that has lost none of its explosive power and relevance over the years: a dance classic. The revival of the piece at Sophiensale in February 2025 marks a return to the beginning: just one year after Sasha Waltz came to Berlin, she founded the dance company Sasha Waltz & Guests together with Jochen Sandig in 1993 – with »Travelogue I – Twenty to eight«. It is also the prelude to the »Travelogue« trilogy, which was created in the following years, established the company's success and became iconic. To this day, the timeless piece continues to thrill audiences worldwide and is now being handed over to a new generation of dancers for the second time.

Beethoven 7 

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Ludwig van Beethoven 

Diego Noguera

In diesem zweiteiligen Abend widmet sich Sasha Waltz gemeinsam mit einem Ensemble von 13 Tänzer:innen der »Sinfonie Nr. 7 in A-Dur (op. 92)« von Ludwig van Beethoven und kontrastiert dieses klassische Stück mit dem Auftragswerk »Freiheit/Extasis« des zeitgenössischen Komponisten Diego Noguera. Bereits im Juni 2021 hatte die Choreographin im Rahmen des Beethoven-Tags »Mit Beethoven durch Europa« des europäischen Kultursenders ARTE in der antiken Tempelstätte von Delphi eine Choreographie zu zwei Sätzen von Beethovens Siebter geschaffen. Diese Musik ließ sie seitdem nicht mehr los. In ihr schwingen Fragen der Zeit mit, die für uns auch heute noch eine Rolle spielen: das Scheitern einer Revolution, die (erzwungene) Rückkehr zu alten Traditionen, die Reibung zwischen dem Wunsch nach gesellschaftlicher Transformation und Restauration und der damit einhergehende Verlust von Freiheit und Zukunftsperspektiven. Zu den live gespielten elektronischen Klängen von Diego Noguera mit dem Titel »Freiheit/Extasis« greift Sasha Waltz diese Themen zu Beginn des Abends auf und interpretiert sie aus zeitgenössischer Perspektive neu: Wie verhalten sich persönliche Freiheit und gesellschaftliche Zwänge zueinander?

sasha waltz & guests

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Roméo et Juliette
Transfer to the Teatr Wielki in Lodz
Friday 14.2.2025, 18:30
Teatr Wielki, Lódz PL
Roméo et Juliette
Transfer to the Teatr Wielki in Lodz
Saturday 15.2.2025, 18:30
Teatr Wielki, Lódz PL
Open Studio: Stage
Saturday 22.2.2025, 18:30
Radialsystem, Berlin DE
CoinciDance - for professional dancers
Studio A (5th floor)
Sunday 23.2.2025, 15:00
Radialsystem, Berlin DE
Travelogue I – Twenty to eight
Thursday 27.2.2025, 20:00
Sophiensæle, Berlin DE
Travelogue I – Twenty to eight
Friday 28.2.2025, 20:00
Sophiensæle, Berlin DE

Sasha Waltz receives the Helmut-Schmidt-Zukunftspreis 2025

Choreographer, dancer, and director Sasha Waltz will recieve the

Helmut-Schmidt-Zukunftspreis 2025 together with Islandic-Danish visual

artist, designer, and architect of public spaces Olafur Eliasson. For

the first time, two personalities will be honored for their cultural

innovations, with which they are committed to the protection of democracy and nature as well as liberal society.

»Travelogue I - Twenty to eight«

»Travelogue I - Twenty to eight«

With humour, aggression and sensuality, Sasha Waltz paints a contemporary genre picture in »Travelogue I - Twenty to eight« that has lost none of its explosive power and relevance over the years: a dance classic. To this day, the timeless piece, in which the choreographer herself danced for a long time, continues to inspire audiences worldwide. After a seven-year break, the production is now returning.


»Roméo et Juliette«

»Roméo et Juliette« at

Teatr Wielki

After the premiere in May 2024, the third series of performances of »Roméo et Juliette« with the Ballet of the Teatr Wielki will take place in Łódź the 14th and 15th of February. The most famous love story in the western canon will therefore be on show in Poland on Valentine's Day.

Open Studio: Stage #8

Open Studio: Stage #8
»Open Studio: Stage« is a format with which we want to give the creative potential of the Berlin dance scene space and a stage: We invite all kinds of performing artists (from dance, theatre, performance, etc.) to present a short piece (max. 10 min.) in front of an audience in Studio A. Each edition will conclude with a short group improvisation with all artists. At the end, there will be a feedback format between participants and the audience.


»Spiegelneuronen« back at Radialsystem, Berlin 

After successful performances in Cologne, Salzburg, Hamburg and Krakow, »Spiegelneuronen« returns to the Radialsystem
Upcoming performances
Upcoming performances
Here you can find all upcoming performances.
Statement  Sasha Waltz
Statement Sasha Waltz
in view of the current debates on the 2026/27 double budget, which also threatens to make huge cuts in the cultural sector


​#Berlinis Culture - continues

Also in 2025, the lack of clarity about the cuts in the cultural sector continues: the cultural and main committees are still negotiating the cuts decided at the end of 2024. And in Berlin's cultural scene, there is still great uncertainty. In response, the platform #BerlinistKultur is once again calling for action.


Statement on the cuts

Effects of the budget cuts decided on 19 December 2024

The historically unprecedented cuts in the cultural sector decided by the Berlin Senate in the plenary session of the House of Representatives on 19 December 2024 will have far-reaching and drastic consequences for Sasha Waltz & Guests and for the breadth of Berlin's entire cultural landscape. They will permanently damage the Capital of Culture

Berlin and its international appeal.


Youth Culture Initiative

100% Elimination of the Youth Culture Initiative Endangers the Expansion of Equitable Cultural Participation for Young People Across Berlin.

Young people have a right to cultural education that helps them realize their potential and actively shape their world—regardless of social background, cultural affiliation, or gender. Cultural education is not a luxury but a foundation that empowers young people to act confidently and engage with society. It creates spaces where they can express their creativity, strengthen social relationships, and become active participants in a democratic society.


Berlin Mondiale

Support for Berlin Mondiale

Berlin Mondiale is in acute danger due to the budget cuts of the Berlin Senate. Should these cuts be finalised as of 19 December, the funds for Berlin Mondiale would be completely eliminated. With your help, you can support Berlin Mondiale in continuing its work, realigning its network and ensuring cultural participation for many people in the future.


#throwback – the second half of 2024

St John Passion

Johann Sebastian Bach

Sasha Waltz

Théâtre des Champs-Elysées

Paris, France

4. 5. November 2024

© Bernd Uhlig

#throwback – the second half of 2024

Sasha Waltz receives German Dance Award

Aalto-Theater Essen

12. October

© Herlinde Koebl

#throwback – the second half of 2024 

Spiegelneuronen by Stefan Kaegi

Sasha Waltz & Guests with Rimini Protokoll

Salzburger Festspiele

Szene Salzburg

14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. August 2024



29. 30. 31. August, 1. September 2024

© Bernd Uhlig

#throwback – the second half of 2024 

Spiegelneuronen by Stefan Kaegi

Sasha Waltz & Guests with Rimini Protokoll

Schauspiel Depot


23. 24. November 2024



28. 29. 30. November 1. Dezember 2024

Duża Scena (Teatr Łaźnia Nowa)

Krakow, Italy

14. 15. Dezember

© Bernd Uhlig

#throwback – the second half of 2024 

Beethoven 7

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Ludwig van Beethoven

Diego Noguera

Festival Romaeuropa

Auditorium Conciliazione

Roma, Italy

13. 14. September 2024


© Mika Albrink

#throwback – the second half of 2024 

Beethoven 7

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Ludwig van Beethoven

Diego Noguera

Radialsystem, Berlin

5. 6. 7. 8. December 2024

© Sebastian Bolesch

#throwback – the second half of 2024

In C

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Terry Riley


Thessaloniki, Greece

7. 9. 10. September 2024

© Amanda Protidou

#throwback – the second half of 2024

In C

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Terry Riley

Centro Cultural de Belém

Lisbon, Portugal

11. 12. October 2024

Grande Auditorio

Guimarães, Portugal

5. October 2024

© Yanina Isla

#throwback – the second half of 2024

In C

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Terry Riley

Theater Marl

28. September 2024

© Ralf Deinl, Marler Zeitung