Short clip about »In C« by Sasha Waltz & Guests

In C, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Terry Riley © Sebastian Bolesch
In C, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Terry Riley ©Yanina Isla
In C, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Terry Riley ©Yanina Isla
In C, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Terry Riley, Ban on a Can All-Stars ©Sebastian Bolesch
In C, Sasha Waltz & Guests Terry Riley ©Yanina Isla
In C, Sasha Waltz & Guests, Terry Riley ©Jo Glinka
The Cosmos of »In C«

The Cosmos of »In C«

With »In C«, the dance company Sasha Waltz & Guests in 2021 began a new, experimental and constantly evolving artistic process in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the premiere on a live stream from Berlin’s Radialsystem on March 6, 2021, Sasha Waltz’ choreography to the music of the same name by Terry Riley has been passed on to a constantly growing dance community, reaching many people worldwide.

Thanks to the new possibilities of flexible artistic production and artistic exchange across national borders (the choreographic material was recorded in video tutorials, which can be made digitally accessible), a wide variety of »In C« projects emerged until today.

On these pages we would like to give you a continuous insight into the diverse universe of »In C«. You can also contact us via this page if you too are interested in working with »In C«.

And anyone who is already working with the material can access it by logging in on this page.

The world is changing and our democracy is endangered by a continuing shift to the right. Our artistic work is a permanent search for empathy and humanity. It strives against all forms of discrimination, violence and ideology and stands up for the democratic values of an open and diverse society. This is what in particular the project »In C«, not only a political piece, but actually a democratic process in dance and music, stands for: »It's about making decisions alone and together, connecting with one another, to listen, supporting each other, growing together, giving each other space, to feel what is needed, what you can do for the good of the entire community on the stage and not leaving anyone behind. Many of these ideas form the basis of democracy and are what is needed in our constantly changing societies at this moment in time.«

Sasha Waltz

In C
Sasha Waltz & Guests meets tanzmainz, mit Philharmonisches Staatorchester Mainz
Wednesday 26.3.2025, 20:00
Staatstheater Mainz, Mainz DE
In C
Multitudes, mit London Sinfonietta
Tuesday 29.4.2025, 19:45
Southbank Center, London GB
In C
Multitudes, mit London Sinfonietta
Wednesday 30.4.2025, 19:45
Southbank Center, London GB
In C
Dresdener Musikfestspiele, mit The Young Gods
Friday 23.5.2025, 20:00
Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Dresden DE
In C
Sunday 15.6.2025, 20:00
Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam NL
In C
Wednesday 25.6.2025, 20:00
Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam NL
In C
Thursday 26.6.2025, 20:00
Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam NL
In C
Friday 27.6.2025, 20:00
Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam NL
In C
Saturday 28.6.2025, 20:00
Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam NL
In C
ImPulsTanz, mit The Young Gods
Wednesday 23.7.2025, 21:00
Burgtheater, Vienna 
In C
ImPulsTanz, mit The Young Gods
Friday 25.7.2025, 21:00
Burgtheater, Vienna 

Become a part of the »In C« universe

You can engage with Sasha Waltz & Guests’ »In C« in many ways. If you are interested in getting involved with Sasha Waltz & Guests’ »In C« and want to find out more, please read our FAQ. Afterwards we look forward to hearing from you.

To the Tutorials:


Get in contact:

get in touch

Recent »In C« projects

Touring Sasha Waltz & Guests
Site-specific »In C« performances
Tutorials for professional dancers
International »In C« projects – diverse, participatory, in the middle of a war
Projects with amateurs, with children and young people
Support of young talents through university projects

Bisherige »In C«-Projekte

»In C« in Puna, December 2023
»In C« in Mexico, international bookfare 2023
»In C« in Caracas, November 2023
»In C« in Charkiv, June 2023
»In C« in Oslo, March 2023
»In C« in Tbilisi, December 2022
»In C« in Rotterdam, October 2022
»In C - Marler Partitur« since 2022
»In C« in Sofia, Mai 2022
»In C« at »Dialoge 2021 - Ludwigsburg«, June 2021

Here you can find exciting insights into Terry Riley's »In C«.