Projects with amateurs, with children and young people

The choreographic material »In C« by Sasha Waltz has also been adapted for amateur dancers, children and young people and has been recorded in corresponding video tutorials (»In C - Digitale Partitur für Laien«).

The participatory project »In C - Marler Partitur« commissioned by the New Patrons of Marl, for example, got the whole city dancing in September 2022: more than 100 amateur dancers, children and young adults learned the material from »In C« tutors in a rehearsal process over a period of several months and performed their version of the choreography in a danced parcours through the city, which ended in a joint open-air performance with dancers from Sasha Waltz & Guests on a central square in the city.

More information about the project can be found here.

»In C - Marler Partitur«, Sasha Waltz, Forum Marl, September 2022

©Sebastian Bolesch (also cover picture of this page)

In 2022, a group from the Kinder- und Jugendtanzcompany by Sasha Waltz & Guests, which was specially formed from members of the kids and teens groups, studied the choreographic material of the choreography »In C« by Sasha Waltz. Together with experienced »In C« performers from Sasha Waltz & Guests, they developed their own interpretation of the structured but playful improvisation, which they have already presented to the Berlin audience several times under the title »In C - Next Generation«. These adaptations were also recorded in video tutorials and should be available to all interested dance groups in the long term.

The Berlin audience had the extraodrinary opportunity to experience »In C – next Generation« live as part of the 30th anniversary of Sasha Waltz & Guests on September 17, 2023 at Radialsystem, Berlin. On this date, the young dancers performed the piece for the first time together with dancers from Sasha Waltz & Guests. More information about the project can be found here.

»In C - nächste Generation«, Kinder- und Jugendtanzcompany by Sasha Waltz & Guests, Terry Riley, Radialsystem, Berlin, June 2022

©Eva Radünzel

As part of a cooperation on »In C« with »TanzZeit-Tanz in Schulen«, a group from the Berlin Campus Rütli worked regularly on the piece with an »In C« tutor for a year. The young people presented the result of this examination of the choreographic material in June 2023 as part of the »Alles tanzt« festival at Podewil.