Tutorials for professional dancers

A basic idea of ​​the project from the beginning was the open transfer of knowledge across national borders, especially against the background of current crises. The individual movement figures were recorded directly in video tutorials, which enable dancers to learn the choreographic material digitally and independently of their location.

The play has no stage design, light and costumes can be adapted and implemented with simple means. In this way, »In C« projects can also be created in unusual or remote locations in the long term and local dance scenes can be strengthened. The travel activity of Sasha Waltz & Guests like this can also be significantly reduced in view of the climate crisis.

»In C« take over, Nagelhus Schia Productions, Oslo, premiere March 2023

©Tale Hendnes (also cover picture on this page)

In addition to the digital video tutorials, the company also offers workshops with experienced »In C« dancers and tutors from Sasha Waltz & Guests at regular intervals in order to learn the material and the rules together in a group - not only in Berlin, but also internationally. Workshops with local dancers have already taken place in New York, Barcelona, ​​Rotterdam, London, Krakow, Chania and master classes in Karlsruhe, Leipzig and Copenhagen.

Since March 2021, more than 70 dancers worldwide have learned the material. In addition, the choreography was handed over to the Norwegian company Nagelhus Schia Productions in March 2023, and further »In C«-projects by professional dance ensembles are planned.

Since October 2022, the company has also been offering »In C«-Jams at their studio in Berlin's Radialsystem, open to everyone who has learned the choreographic material so far. In summer 2024, the company opened this format in the studio to a wider audience for the first time under the title »In C-Jam: Performing«.

»In C-Jam: Performing« at Studio A at Radialsystem June 2024

©Sebastian Bolesch